Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Spending Time in Another Context

So it's obviously been some time since I have posted a blog. Was it life? laziness? Probably a mixture of both. But today I'm back for at least one more post.

Sunday I announced that we (Meadowview) are participating in a missions trip this Summer to Guatemala. I was very excited to make the announcement and I imagined in my mind that after the closing prayer a mass of people would surround me anxious to know more about the trip and sign up that afternoon. But that didn't happen. And that's alright. We Pastor's tend to have wild imaginations!

I have no doubt that some of you are considering the possibility of joining in the trip this Summer and I recently re-read something that might encourage you as you are considering.

In his book Radical, David Platt challenges Christians to Spend Time In Another Context. Here is what he writes, "...give some of your time in the next year to making the gospel known in a context outside your own city. I suggest you plan on dedicating at least 2 percent of your time to this task. That 2 percent works out to be about one week in the next year that you will travel and take the gospel to another context in the world, either domestically or internationally." So basically he is challenging us to get out of Southwest Missouri and take the gospel somewhere else on this globe.

Some may respond, "Why? What difference will it make?" Well I really like what Platt writes next, "We have discovered that 2 percent of our time living out the gospel in other contexts has a radical effect on the other 98 percent of our time living out the gospel in our own context."

We call it perspective. Short-term mission trips help us to regain a right perspective of our lives and the world we live in.

So pray hard and consider the possibilities.

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