Picking up where we left off yesterday here are suggestion 3 & 4 for killing pride and cultivating humility.
3. Study and apply the doctrine of sin to your own life. Romans 1-3 is a revealing set of chapters on the subject of our sinfulness. The Enemy Within is a great book written by Kris Lungaard (it is actually a modern synopsis of John Owens classic work The Temptation and Mortification of Sin). But more important than learning about your sinfulness is doing something about it. Here are some questions you should be asking yourself as you apply the doctrine of sin to your own life: Are you specifically confessing sins to the appropriate individuals, as well as your present temptations? Are you confessing sin specifically? Are you confessing your sin fully? Or is your confession selective and partial (which means that ultimately it is misleading)? Remember that pride works to blind us from our sin (1 Corinthians 10:12) and it's consequences (Numbers 32:23). Start fully confessing your sin because God resists the proud (the non-confessors) and gives grace to the humble (the confessors).
4. Consistently practice the spiritual disciplines. Practicing the spiritual disciplines of Scripture meditation, prayer, and Bible memorization makes a huge statement: "GOD I NEED YOU!" It is a statement of my need for Him and my dependence upon Him, which kills pride and cultivates humility. But if you turn the tables and avoid the spiritual disciplines you are saying by your actions: "GOD I DO NOT NEED YOU!" And that is the essence of pride.
Tomorrow we will introduce 3 more suggestions...feel free to post comments and/or questions.
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