I do believe it is fitting that 2 hours before writing my first official blog-post i was reading in the gospel of Luke and came across Jesus parable of the wedding feast. You know the one where he suggests that the guest to a party start in the cheap seats and if they get invited to sit in a seat of honor all the better and all the more honor - the conclusion: "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
I don't write this to claim that I have mastered humility or that "I've written the book on it" (just a side note C. J. Mahaney actually did write the book on it and i highly recommend it if you don't own it). No, i point out this passage because my intent in starting a blog isn't to highlight me in anyway, and if I ever do begin to highlight me, I invite those 2 readers (that may be a stretch) to lovingly remind me of this initial blog.
So what is my purpose in starting a blog? In one word: Grace. I want this blog to be about God who is gracious, Christ who graciously took my sin and punishment, the Spirit who by grace patiently continues to shape me into the image of Christ. Yes, I want this blog to communicate gracious words that will build you the reader up in the faith.
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